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Updated On - January 8th 2025, Updated By - Vidhyaa

Waste Management In India 2025 Courses & Fee Structure, Eligibility Criteria, Top Colleges List With Career Scope

Waste Management in India is basically all those activities, which are required to manage waste from its beginning to the final disposal. Waste Management majorly includes things like the collection, transport, treatment, and the ultimate disposal of waste with a high level of monitoring and regulation. This term generally relates to all kinds of solid or liquid waste generated at the time of extraction of raw materials, processing of raw materials into final products, and other human activities. This practice is intended to decrease the adverse effects of harmful waste on the health of human beings as well as the environment.

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Scope Of Waste Management In India 2025

Scope of Waste Management in India has now reached the highest level for individuals. One can make his/ her career in India after completing several degrees, diploma courses, and certifications. There is a number of job opportunities. If you want to become a mere refuse or waste collector, who readily collects waste and puts it into waste disposal sites or recycling plants, you don’t need any professional degree.

However, if you want to become Waste Management Officer (WMO) or someone who is responsible for making all the big decisions, you will surely require a professional degree in a relevant subject. The primary roles and responsibilities of professionals in India are managing or handling of entire nation’s waste on a daily basis and disposing of it in the most convenient way.

How To join Waste Management Courses

Undergraduates Courses: Those, who are considering their career, should have to complete their 10+2 in Science stream with Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and English as compulsory subjects.

  • BSc Waste and Resource Management
  • BSc Air Pollution Management and Control
  • BSc Institution profile for Glasgow Caledonian University
  • BSc Environmental Management (Waste, Energy, Water, Oil, and Gas)
  • BSc Environmental Pollution Control

Post Graduate Courses: If you want to do higher studies in Waste Management, then you should have completed your Bachelor's in Waste Management, Environmental science, Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, or Civil Engineering.

  • MSc Waste and Resource Management
  • MSc Air Pollution Management and Control
  • MSc Institution profile for Glasgow Caledonian University
  • MSc Environmental Management (Waste, Energy, Water, Oil, and Gas)
  • MSc Environmental Pollution Control

Eligibility Criteria

• you should first complete your 10+2 in the science stream with preferable subjects such as Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and English with good marks.

• Then, you are eligible to take admission in a degree course or in related graduate courses like earth sciences and environmental science.

• If you want to stand away from the crowd and get a slight edge over the rest of the candidates, you may go with the postgraduate degree courses.

• Besides studies, you would gain work experience through volunteering programs, which will play a crucial role in improving your chances of getting better opportunities.

Top Courses List of Waste Management  With Details 2025

  • Biomedical Waste Management Course

What is it?

The Biomedical Waste Management course is a 2 days program, which helps you to learn about processes to manage biomedical waste, industrial waste, domestic waste, infectious waste, chemical waste, and almost every type of waste material because of Human activities.

Fees & Certificate

Fees of this course cost around INR 11,800 (Including 18% GST), and you'll receive a certificate of participation from IIWM (Indian Institute of Water Management). 


With increasing pollution and waste material, the health bar of our nation is depleting at a high rate. Pursuing a waste management course will count your contribution to save the country's health. Plus:-

  • You'll get the opportunity to interact & communicate with PCB Officials/Experts.
  • You'll get ultimate practical exposure to a health care facility, and biomedical treatment facility.
  • You'll receive in-depth knowledge of BMW management technologies.
  • You'll also master several life-changing skills like infection control, budget management, health care management, and team management.

For Participation: Please dial 09717134336, or leave your query in the comment box.

  • E-Waste Management Course in India

What is it?

The E-Waste Management course in India is a 4 weeks elective program. This course is an initiative to understand the effects of electronic waste on human health, society, and the environment.

Under this course, students will develop an approach to do E-Waste Management by cutting the ill-effects of informal recycling. Topics that will be taught in this program are:-

  • Composition of E-Waste
  • Processes of Informal E-Waste Management
  • Ill-Effects of E-Waste on health & society
  • Formal metal extraction processes from E-Waste
  • Sustainable Engineering from electrical & electronics
  • Life cycle analysis
  • Methods to control E-Waste
  • Global Management of Electronic Waste

Fees & Certificate

The course is free of cost, but if you want a certificate of participation & experience, then you'll have to appear in an examination. It is completely optional but its registration fee is INR 1,000. The examination will be held on 29th March 2025 (9 Am-12 Pm) (2 Pm-5 Pm).

A certificate of participation and experience will be provided on the basis of your performance in an exam.

Note: A certificate in E-Waste Management is beneficial for public sector jobs.

Recycling and Waste Management Courses

The open learn University has introduced several-recycling and waste management courses in India. Pursuing these courses will help you attain mastered knowledge of environment-related waste, and how to treat them.

You may also receive a certificate for completing all the courses, but the experience and knowledge you'll gain from these free of cost programs will help you in many other ways.

Some of these courses are in the format of a podcast, which you'll only have to listen to, but some of them may require your presence in a practical format. Click here, and reach out to all these courses for free.

Solid Waste Management Courses

Solid and Hazardous waste management is a core environmental course of 15 weeks, for students of the postgraduate level. This course is brought to you by Professor Vinod Kumar Garg (Central University of Punjab, Bhatinda).

In this course, you'll get to study in detail, the definition, characterization, classification, transportation, collection, and management of different types of solid wastes.

Experienced personnel is appointed as mentors in this course, who'll also tell you about the various resource recovery options, including Pyrolysis, Biomethanation, Vermicomposting, Composting, and some effective methods of solid waste disposal, like Sanitary landfilling, incineration, etc.

Some legal frameworks about various types of wastes will also be discussed in this course, along with the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan terms.


A participation certificate will be provided after the completion of this course. This certificate will be really beneficial for students who are pursuing environmental studies at a postgraduate or any academic level. This will simply add weightage to their profile, which also results in fruitful job opportunities.

Job Responsibilities In Waste Management

As a Waste Management Professional/Officer, your job description includes:

  • Running and monitoring recycling facilities and waste disposal sites.
  • Managing and controlling teams of recycling collectors.
  • Managing local and recycling services.
  • Controlling private and contractual companies.
  • Regularly analyzing statistics of waste and recycling of the local areas.
  • Coming up with innovative recycling or disposal schemes.
  • Spreading awareness in local communities and businesses on environmental and waste management issues.
  • Handling and managing budgets.
  • Organize research projects and activities of national groups concerned

Jobs In Waste Management

There are ample opportunities available in the market for those, who want to make their career in Solid Waste Management. You can find jobs in private firms, industrial organizations, consultancies, government organizations, environmental agencies as well as non-profit conservation projects. You can get the promotion and become a team leader within a local authority. Further, you can lead to becoming head of or Area Manager. However, this would depend on your likes, preferences, and strengths.

You can frequently move between the private and public sectors for getting progression in your career. Also, you can find opportunities in government departments and waste management regulatory bodies. Once you have gotten several years of experience in this field, you would be able to move into an operational job. At the senior level, your responsibilities have completely changed like budget management in millions as well as the proper management of people and resources.

Monthly Income

The starting salary of Professionals in India ranges from Rs. 1,80,0000 to Rs 2,10,0000 annually. At the senior level or with several years of experience, the package will further enhance to Rs 2,40,0000 to Rs 3,80,0000 annually. A Waste Management Officer and Operations Manager could even earn more than Rs 3,80,0000 annually.

Required Skills

To make your career in liquid Waste Management, you should have incurred some below mentioned basic skills which are as follows:

  • Proficient written as well as oral communication skills.
  • Decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  • Flexibility and patience.
  • Management and leadership quality.
  • Excellent administrative as well as organizational skills.
  • General office skills with IT knowledge.
  • A keen interest in environmental and sustainability issues.
  • Ability to apply and monitor adverse situations.

Top Colleges Offering in Waste Management Courses 2025

  • Chhatrapati Shahu Institute of Business Education and Research, Kolhapur
  • Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal
  • Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh
  • UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad
  • National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai
  • Singhania University, Jhunjhunu
  • Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan
  • Global Open University, Dimapur

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